Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chocotorta (no bake!)
I went to a birthday party while I was in Buenos Aires and "chocotorta" was the birthday cake that I demolished. Later that night, my friend and I investigated the fridge for leftovers...a successful mission. It's was soooo yummy that I was determined to make it myself.
Ingredients: Chocolina's (Argentine chocolate cookies), milk, instant coffee, dulce de leche, cream cheese, and your choice of topping.
Directions: mix the milk and instant coffee together (making it as strong or sweet as you like). Beat the dulce de leche and cream cheese until uniform. Dip the cookies very briefly in the milk mixture and place them flat into the dish. Continue to do this until you have a full layer of cookies. Then put a layer of the dulce de leche mixture on top. Then repeat! Make as many layers as you like :) and top with candy of choice. Put it in the fridge overnight for best results.
Here is a video to give you a visual: chocotorta

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